Mock Jury Services
A Mock Jury Helps You:
At Litegation we offer trial simulations for a single day or multiple days. These can be supported by professional trial consultants, if desired. A Mock Trial is the experience closest to an actual trial, and allows you to present your case to a mock jury that matches the demographics of your possible jury. During this process, witness testimony, either in-person or on video, is presented along with demonstrative evidence.
At the conclusion of your case presentation, the jurors are charged, separated into panels and settle on a verdict. We provide a comprehensive analysis of juror feedback in written form, as well as a video of the case presentations and jury deliberations. Like our Focus Groups, our Mock Trials are customized to meet both the needs of your case and your budget.
eDiscovery Support

- Mock Juror and Focus Group Panels
- Voir Dire and Venue Specific
- Audio / Video Recording
- Live or Remote Testimony
- Demonstrative Evidence Support
- Written Reports and Verdict Sheets
- Site Support and Catering
- Q & A and Juror Feedback
- Professional Witness Preparation
- Scalable to your case-exposure and budget