About Us
We are sophisticated litigation support and eDiscovery providers, leveraging over 27 years of experience in both, law firm and vendor-side environments. Our emphasis is on intimate, case-by-case ESI management, eDiscovery services, and trial technology.
We specialize in forensic acquisitions and collections, early case assessment, data processing, hosted solutions, managed document review, advanced data culling and analytics, trial technology and graphics, and quality control procedures.
We have extensive, high-exposure experience in the consultation, coordination and management of all activities relating to data collection, processing, review and production of ESI. Our team initiates and manages complex and multi-faceted production workflow, with comprehensive jurisdictional considerations. We have extensive document review and attorney case management experience, and have expansive knowledge using commercial eDiscovery and review software.

We provide many free resources to help you win your case
Professional Litigation Support
We guide you through eDiscovery from start to finish